Our Impact

Bridging the gap in financial inclusion

Angala Fintech is able to provide credit to under-banked and financially excluded communities by verifying income and business activity through our sister company activities.

Our innovative financial technology, such as voice automation in local languages, is helping to bring down the barriers to financial literacy.

We work additionally with organisations including Mercy Corps. and USAID to offer financial education and literacy to our communities.

Our biggest focus is encouraging more women and youths to become financially independent through job creation and access to finance for merchants and micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

sme financing
Within 5 years we will …
How our impact targets align with UN sustainable development goals (SDGs)
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Bring the benefits of financial literacy to 500,000 people
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Recruit 72,000 financial inclusion agents, 70% women & youths
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Support 40,000 active businesses with POS terminals and financial services
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$37 billion+
Transaction volume
Carry out 3 billion transactions totaling $37 billion+